How to Tell if Your Cat is in Pain
Cats often disguise the fact they are in pain. That may be because in the wild, cats that appear sick or injured are vulnerable to predators. Cat pain can be caused by such things as arthritis, dental problems, urinary tract infections, bone disease and cancer. Pain is also common following a surgical procedure. You are in the best position to look for the subtle changes in behavior that may indicate your cat is suffering.
It’s important to stay alert, because the sooner your cat’s pain is diagnosed and treated, the sooner he or she can heal and resume a normal, happy life. If your cat exhibits one or more of these behaviors and you suspect it may be due to pain, notify your veterinary practice immediately.
Meowing Purring Hissing Growling
Withdraws from social interaction Decreased appetite Changes in sleeping or drinking Fails to use the litter box Urinates frequently Won’t groom or grooms less, looks unkempt Sleeps more |
Licking Biting Scratching a particular part of its body
Restless Reluctant to move Has difficulty getting up from a laying position Repetitively gets up and lies down Trembles or shakes Limps Can’t leap as high
Generally lays with feet underneath Arches back or tucks in abdomen
Grimaces, furrowed brow, vacant stare Glazed, wide-eyed or looks sleepy Enlarged pupils Flattened ears Pants when at rest
Protects a part of its body Doesn’t put weight on a limb Doesn’t want to be held or picked up
Acts out of character Growls, hisses, bites Pins ears back